If you don't feel ready to move on to your next step in education, training or employment, there are a wide range of training and support services in place in Orkney who can help you. In this section, you will hear from some of those services and find links to others that can provide you with the right support for your needs.
Skills Development ScotlanD
Careers Advisers with Skills Development Scotland are on hand to provide support to people of all ages to help them take control of their own future.
In schools, Careers Advisers provide support to help young people develop their career management skills, identify their preferred career destination and the right pathway into that career to suit the abilities and skills of the individual.
In the Careers Centre, Advisers are on hand to help individuals who have left school and need support to move into further education, training or employment. This is an all age service that is open to all. They can also provide support and advice to anyone who has been made redundant through the PACE partnership. You can learn more about PACE here.
You can also find more advice and support through the My World of Work website.
In schools, Careers Advisers provide support to help young people develop their career management skills, identify their preferred career destination and the right pathway into that career to suit the abilities and skills of the individual.
In the Careers Centre, Advisers are on hand to help individuals who have left school and need support to move into further education, training or employment. This is an all age service that is open to all. They can also provide support and advice to anyone who has been made redundant through the PACE partnership. You can learn more about PACE here.
You can also find more advice and support through the My World of Work website.
Karen, Kay, Findlay and Samantha, our local Careers Advisers, have made this short video to introduce themselves and explain what they can do to support you.
They provide support to young people in secondary school or attending Orkney College UHI, young people who have left school and their all age service, which is open to everyone. Due to current restrictions, it is not possible to drop into the Careers Centre on Albert Street, Kirkwall, however you can still contact the team for advice over the telephone or via email. You can contact them by calling (01856) 872 460, or by emailing [email protected]. |
Skills Development Scotland have also produced a series of 'Next Steps' videos, which you can access via the links below. These can help you prepare to move on into further education, training or employment and include useful advice and some activities to help you take your next step.
Job Centre Plus
Jobcentre Plus is a government-funded employment agency overseen by the Department of Work and Pensions. Its purpose is to help people find work through services such as job-hunting programmes and external job vacancies, while it also provides financial support to eligible job hunters.
This video provides an overview of their services, information on Universal Credit and how they can help individuals into work. For more information, contact the Kirkwall Job Centre on (01856) 885 320 |
Employment Support
Run as part of the Orkney Island Council’s All Age Learning Disability Team, Employment Support provides support to people with learning disabilities, on the autistic spectrum and some people who struggle to understand information, learn skills and cope independently. They can provide support to people who are not working but would like to work, as well as those who do have a job but would like to build up skills or work hours.
In this video you will hear from Harry Sandison about how the Employment Support team helped him into a job. You can find details of how to contact the team, here. |
Connect ProjectThe Connect Project is open to young people aged 15-25 years who are unsure of what steps to take next, or are not ready to move on to employment or further training. Project staff work with young people to develop a personal and flexible programme that meets learning needs and give the skills and confidence needed to move on to their chosen area.
You can find out more here. |
Employability FundThe Employability Fund is run by Orkney College UHI and sponsored by Skills Development Scotland. It has been developed to help young people make a successful transition into the labour market. It is available to any young person aged between 16 and 24 years who is not in school, college, employed or in training.
You can find out more here. |
Stepping StonesStepping Stones is a full-time course run by Orkney College UHI. It has been developed to help school leavers who are unsure what to do next or need further qualifications and study skills. In this course, you experience a variety of subject areas, through project-based learning which will provide a variety of creative and practical activities. As part of the Stepping Stones course, you can also take part in work experience.
You can find out more here. |
Future TracksFuture Tracks is run by Orkney College UHI. It has been developed to help school leavers and young people who have not decided on, or are not ready for, a specific vocational course or employment. The main focus is on personal and vocational development. The timetable includes core skills; communication, numeracy and IT. The rest of the timetable is made of units from vocational subject areas plus areas of development required by the individual student. As part of the Preparation for Progression course, you take part in work placement.
You can find out more here. |