In this section you will find advice and tips to help you find and get a job. You will learn how to identify your skills, get tips on writing your CV and covering letter, find help for completing applications and advice to help you prepare for a job interview.
This section is split into four key areas:
You will also find an 'Employer Expectations' section, where you will hear what employers look for when they are recruiting.
Watch the following presentation for more details:
This section is split into four key areas:
You will also find an 'Employer Expectations' section, where you will hear what employers look for when they are recruiting.
Watch the following presentation for more details:
If you're having problems accessing the above presentation, you can view the powerpoint here. To hear the narration with this presentation, select Slide Show and play the presentation from the beginning.
Below you will also find a video from Skills Development Scotland that can help you understand how working can benefit you.
Below you will also find a video from Skills Development Scotland that can help you understand how working can benefit you.
Why Work?
The following activities will help you identify your skills:
- Skills Check - you can complete this activity by yourself and it will help you identify your key skills. You will need to know your skills for writing a CV completing an application form, writing a covering letter and an interview. You will find additional activities to identify your skills in the CVs section, here.
- This is Me - this is an activity you can discuss with a Careers Adviser. This will help you identify the skills you have gained through learning and activities you have done in and outwith school. If you're not sure what to include, you can view an example of this activity here.
- The Recruitment Process - this activity will help you understand how employers recruit and how to be successful in the recruitment process.
- The Hidden Job Market - make a list of businesses or employers you might like to work for and find out how they recruit. Use websites/networking or contact the employer to find out.
Information Sheet
The following information sheet gives some hints and tips to help you when you're looking for a job.
Need more Information?
You can find details and links to useful job search sites here. DYW Orkney also publish Jobs of the Week every Thursday, you can find these on our social media sites or on our website here.
You can find details and links to useful job search sites here. DYW Orkney also publish Jobs of the Week every Thursday, you can find these on our social media sites or on our website here.
Click on the links below to find out more in each section: