Next week is Scottish Apprenticeships Week, which celebrates the diversity that makes work-based learning good for individuals, employers and the economy. This year’s campaign theme is ‘Talent Without Limits’ and we want to use the week to challenge the stereotypical view of apprenticeships and highlight the diverse range of apprenticeships that exist in Orkney. For a start, did you know there are now three levels of apprenticeship available in Scotland? They are Foundation, Modern and Graduate and – depending on the level and subject you study – they can offer a qualification from a National 5 right up to a Masters degree.
Apprenticeship enable individuals to gain a qualification through workplace learning, and locally it is possible to undertake an apprenticeship in a range of careers including administration, healthcare, IT, construction, childcare…and much more. All three levels are available in Orkney and next week, we will be sharing some of the stories of local young people who are undertaking an apprenticeship at one of the three levels with local employers. Yesterday (Thursday 27 February 2020) Rachel from DYW Orkney and Claire from Skills Development Scotland spoke to BBC Radio Orkney about apprenticeships. You can listen to their interview here from around the 11 minute mark. Keep an eye out for our posts on social media next week and learn more about apprenticeship be searching the hashtags #ScotAppWeek20 and #TalentWithoutLimits Comments are closed.
January 2025